Friday, August 9, 2024

Review - The Valkyrie by Kate Heartfield





 Title: The Valkyrie

Author: Kate Heartfield

Pages: 315

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Release Date: 30th March 2023


Blurb from Goodreads:

From SUNDAY TIMES bestselling author Kate Heartfield comes a glorious, lyrical retelling of one of Norse mythology’s greatest epics

Brynhild is a shieldmaiden of the Allfather, chooser of the slain. But now she too has fallen, flightless in her exile.

Gudrun is a princess of Burgundy, a daughter of the Rhine, a prize for an invading king – a king whose brother Attila has other plans, and a dragon to call upon.

And in the songs to be sung, there is another Sigurd, a warrior with a sword sharper than the new moon.

As the legends tell, these names are destined to be lovers, fated as enemies. But here on Midgard, legends can be lies…

For not all heroes are heroic, nor all monsters monstrous. And a shieldmaiden may yet find that love is the greatest weapon of all.

 Goodreads | Storygraph | Amazon UK | Amazon US | Bookshop



My Review:

*I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. My thanks to Harper Collins UK and NetGalley*

- Note: While I did receive an e-copy to review, I ended up listening to the finished audiobook -

Brynhild is a Valkyrie, chosen by Odin, the All-Father to enforce his will during mortal battles, both saving and killing those Odin chooses.

Then Brynhild is exiled to Midgard, where she must decide how she wants to live her life.

Gudrun is a princess who loves her home and people. Together with her brother, the king, and her mother, Gudrun fights to keep her home safe from the greedy, war-loving Atilla,

Brynhild and Gudrun are brought together by Sigurd, a man who wants to be a hero and a legend.

Can Gudrun save her home?

What will Brynhild decide to do now she is exiled to live a mortal life?

I like Norse mythology, so I was excited to read this book. However, I ended up being a little disappointed.

I found both Brynhild and Gudrun to be likeable protagonists - they both wanted to help people and put the well being of others before their own. However, I didn't feel that I really connected with either of them. Sigurd was an interesting character, but I felt that he could have been fleshed out more.

The story is told from Brynhild and Gudrun's perspectives, and as if they are telling each other what has happened while they were apart. I found this different and didn't dislike it, but I wasn't sucked into the story and I didn't feel invested.

The plot was mixed for me. There were times when I enjoyed it and found what was happening interesting, but there were also times when I was a bit bored, so the pacing could have been better.

The romance wasn't one of my favourites as I couldn't feel the connection between the characters.

The writing was easy to follow.

I'm disappointed that I didn't enjoy this more.

Overall, this was a mixed read.

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